Approximately 1/3 of all K9s critically injured in the field will not survive long enough to get to an animal ER without aggressive and appropriate interventions at the point of injury. This intensely hands-on course will build the critical skill sets needed to save a working K9s life at the point of injury so that a viable K9 can be delivered to a qualified vet.
Our curriculum was developed by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) for use by special operations forces (SOF) currently deployed around the world. Pioneered from the ground up by JSOC veterinarians and delivered at all levels from veterinarian surgical specialists to the most basic of military K9 handlers, this curriculum is based on battlefield proven solutions and focuses on real-world injury patterns. K911 has further adapted the curriculum to include injury patterns and life-saving interventions necessary to protect public safety working K9s. This curriculum does not require previous first aid or medical training and is not intended as an in-depth exploration into medical theory.