Thebest-written, most comprehensive plans are only useful if exercised and evaluated. Using the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) model, Crimson Effect International has developed a series of workshops, tabletop, and full-scale exercises incorporating our proven progressive stress exposure methodology. Our methodology challenges your plans in realistic conditions, which will help you identify gaps and will ensure your participants fully understand their limits, capabilities, and roles in an emergency. We’ll work diligently with you to find practical solutions until you have developed the capabilities needed to manage emergencies.
Training & Exercise Planning Workshop - TEPW -
Need help figuring out where to begin? Let us get you started. We provide a facilitated TEPW and a complete written multi-year Training, Exercise, & Evaluation Plan (MY-TEEP).
Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program - HSEEP -
HSEEP provides a set of guiding principles for exercise programs and a common approach to exercise program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning. HSEEP exercise and evaluation doctrine are flexible, adaptable, used by stakeholders across the whole community, and applies to exercises across all mission areas – prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Train-the-Trainer - TtT -
Sustainable training programs must include agency trainers. Any program that relies solely on outside contractors is doomed to fail. Crimson Effect International offers a train-the-trainer option with EVERY course we provide. We believe that to effectively save lives and protect responders, training must be a part of your agency's culture. Otherwise, through promotions, retirements, and expansion, all agencies will lose track of staff that attended a training course. With Crimson Effect International, we ensure you have the means to pass on and adapt your training programs to fit your reality.